Dear Union Members,
There are important changes to SEIU Florida Public Services Union’s Constitution and Bylaws to ensure we are keeping up with the growing needs of our expanding Union. Voting is open to FPSU’s Members in Good Standing only.
The proposed amendments are mainly related to Article X (Revenue). These changes are to ensure that the Union has alternative and efficient means of dues collection in case employers stop deducting the dues through paycheck as a result of the changes in the laws. These changes will give us the ability to strengthen the union and keep on protecting our rights and contracts. The Union is proposing a flat rate of 35 dollars. For Adjuncts and other Part Time members, the proposed changes give authority to the Executive Board to set a lower special rate based on their unique circumstances.
Changes to the Constitution and Bylaws are shown on the enclosed proposed amendments in red. Deletions of language are shown as struck out and additions of language are shown as underlined. See the proposed changes here.
See the sample ballot Here
The ballots will need to be returned by 5:00pm on May 25th (Thursday).
For questions please contact SEIU Florida Public Services Union at 561-965-0077
With regards,
Alphonso Mayfield